Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Hillary Clinton: Administration MVP

In response to a collegue at Chase's Chasm regarding Sec. Clinton.

I may be a very conservative person a lean very far to the right, but I helped Hillary Clinton campaign during the presidency with more class than the other candidate and I am proud to say that I helped. She may have lost the primary, but Hillary Clinton is a very extraordinary individual and deserves the respect of everyone for things that she has accomplished. Yes, how soon people do forget this.

During the time in which she tried to ‘fix’ healthcare, she was just the First Lady of the U.S. In 1993, the Clinton administration presented a healthcare reform package that Hillary had much to do with. She did not try to fix anything about healthcare. Hillary was trying to get the topic to be discussed among the government officials based off a promise that her husband made about healthcare during his campaign for president in 1992. She was not trying to fix anything, but more living up to a promise that her husband stated to the public which is more than you can say about the current president or first lady.

It is cold to say that she lets things such as violence in the Congo slides right off her back without any affect. When I first met her, she spoke to me about stories she had remembered being told by different people. She spoke with such passion about wanting to help these people and how privileged she was to meet and know the stories of every individual willing to tell it to her. She was not speaking to a mass amount of people; only to me which made me see her true character. When it comes to comments on the Congo, it is more than fair to say that she believes in every word she says. I will agree with you, though, that most politicians could not care less about a majority of what they say does affect them.

I think that her comments that this is one of the greatest atrocities currently are misinterpreted. Yes, the Holocaust and the lives lost in WWII were bad, but we are in a different time right now. Issues that are going on in the Congo should not be happening in the world today. There are more world powers than just the United States and it is huge shame that we should be the only ones astonished by the violence to the people of that region.

The people leading our country are some of the most well versed people about our history than a majority of people in the U.S. which is why they lead and not us. While some should not lead, they all try to do their best with what they know. I am not sure that any sort of commodity is reason for the sympathy of the Congo. I do not really believe that people remember how powerful and smart Hillary is. She is the most valuable part of our current administration. How soon we forget that.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Still Waiting On That 'Change' We Were Promised

Is there any way that our government would be able to get anything positive done for our country? Democrats say that it’s time for ‘change’ and that they will get stuff done from now, with the message of ‘hope’, while controlling the house, senate and the presidency. Nothing could get in the way of them succeeding on several levels, but the democrats have managed to prove me wrong and nothing is getting done. This ‘change’ was the same thing that the Republicans managed to do the past four years under President Bush. Bush was more productive than our government has been today.

What has the ‘change’ master Obama done since the start? Well, he managed to close Guantanamo Bay down, which was a very horrible decision on his part. Something that he has managed to keep out from the citizens and the rest of the world is that other prisons still exist that are the same as Guantanamo. I sincerely ‘hope’ that the prison does not close. Change? I don’t think so.

Our elected officials are spending too much time arguing what should be done instead of actually getting it done. For instance, right now we need to figure out some sort of universal health care for the U.S. This is not realistic for us to consider. The Obama administration does not know or understand the middle and lower classes. Universal health care is not possible and is a waste of time if the democrats cannot even convince the members of their own party on the idea. Change? Nope… not yet.

Out of all of this, I could say with confidence that there has been a HUGE change in the amount of money our government has spent. The $1 Trillion government spending is a big ‘change’ from the administration before this. Give them credit; the dems have changed the amount of suffering my kids will now have to suffer with their government when they reach my age.

The main point is that the government needs to look at reality on what can really be done to help our country. Leave those journalists in North Korea and let the Middle East deal with their own problems. Just give each middle eastern country a nuke and let them settle their differences. Our problems need to be fixed now or our future looks weak as a country. The democrats need to bring this ‘change’ that we heard so much of.

The only thing on ‘change’ that I am thinking about right now is that we need to ‘change’ our administration again. Let’s all ‘hope’ for the best with this really dazed and confused administration and democrat party.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

That's Right...... Global Warming is Fake

Oil and Gas Don't Pollute? .... No, they don't.

Our past, present, and future U.S. senators did not get into their seats by agreeing with anything they were told. They are smart people and have the intellect to make their own opinions based off of what is best. I hardly believe that oil companies telling our senators that oil and gas do not pollute would be reason enough for them to spread it to their citizens.

The real world is a hard thing to grasp and a hard place to live in. The real world is all about profit and money. You cannot get anywhere in life without it. On the contrary, you may get somewhere ‘after’ life if you dedicate yourself to life without luxury and only good. But…….. a life without money is down near impossible in the society that we live and have grown accustomed to. Maybe in another life or time this would have been possible. Oil companies are in the real world and provide the necessities that their employees and people around the world ask for to do greater things.

Global Warming is the biggest joke with the most money behind it. There has not been a bigger joke since then, except for, maybe, the swine flu. Global warming is just another media created frenzy that grabs the attention of paranoid people that will grasp onto anything and fight to ‘reverse’ and ‘fight’ for the issue that is controlled by media. Of course, the ozone is depleting, the ice caps are disappearing, and the earth is getting hotter. Take a look back in history, maybe thousands of years back in history, and see that the earth used to be in worse conditions than now. This ‘global warming’ trend is just a continuation in of the earth’s climate. Things are bound to change and we cannot stop it. I am not saying that we are not helping push toward this change, but we are not the definite cause.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Pleasing People Gets You Nowhere

Our government is said to be one the best and most powerful in the world. We often say that we should feel lucky to live under a government such as this. Our government and our citizens need a sharp reality check. Lately, candidates for governing seats across the U.S. have become very imersed in the idea that to do a good job you must listen to the people that elected you and show that you care about ALL of the their opinions.

Wake up.

Caring or and addressing peoples' opinions is how you win the seat to govern, but it is not how you do good for our country. There is no possible way to please every person that the elected depended on to win their seat. The only way to do good for our country is to sometimes act as a trustee for our country on major issues to further along the process of making it a law. The biggest currently doing things like this is our dear President Obama.

Barack Obama may be the most well spoken president to speak to our nation in a while, even though Bush was a very well-spoken Spanish speaker, but speaking and listening will not get him anywhere for where he wants to take our nation in this idea of 'HOPE' that he created. 'HOPE' is an idea and is not something we can give to people along with a pink slip at their jobs. Obama needs to instill something greater in our country by actually achieving something. He has been more of talk and trying to please people which is nothing more than theatrics and could be replicated by Miss South Carolina.

What we need right now is action being taken. For example, the 'universal healthcare package' that is trying to be passed before the end of the this legislation is big for his party and presidency, but has been nothing but talk thus far into his young term. We need to care less about what people really 'care' about and do what we think is best for the country. I promise, very unpopular decisions in the past are now overlooked as normal, such as civil rights and women's rights.

I am not saying that I support the universal health care, because I don't. I am just saying that action needs to be taken fast and with full power in order to do good change for our country. We expect the leaders in the governing seats to lead, not to ask us how we feel. Make the decision for our betterment, and, if we don't like it, we will let you know by not re-electing you.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Why don't we look to Ann Coulter for opinion more often?

Ann Coulter, one of the smartest women in America, can be very blunt to the sensitive people of our country, but you must admit that she makes a lot of sense. She just says things in a way that we do not want to hear them because we are afraid to hear the truth. Her blog posting titled 'Take 2 Aspirin and Call Me When Your Cancer is Stage 4', speaks the truth about the health care bill that the Dems are trying to pass which pushed along by our smartest president ever, Barack Obama.

The passing of the a universal health care plan sounds like socialization to me. Coulter is right is saying that our countrymen do not deserve to have to pay for everyone's healthcare because not everyone will use the same amount. The comparisons that she uses are spot on and make clear sense. She says that the government democrats would be complaining today if 50 years ago the government passed the 'universal food care' package which took care of food costs. If this healthcare bill passes, she is believes that the government dems will still complain in 50 years.

She convinces the reader that healthcare is not a basic right that people are born with in America. We do not have the right to universal healthcare but we have the privilege to purchase it on our own. It is not one of our natural rights that we all deserve. Her government critique is correct in saying that the government helped us with other areas in life such as 'helping' to mandate insurance companies.

Finally, Coulter is correct in saying that our country does all that they can already to make healthcare readily available to people everywhere. Our country offers programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, and veterans hospitals which is great for our citizens. They may need some cleaning up to better work for citizens, but they work nontheless.

Universal Healthcare is a bad idea and Ann Coulter deserves to be recognized more often.
She's pretty good looking, too.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

You're Joking...... Right?

The editorial posted on The Wall Street Journal by Daniel Henninger is an opinion that sends mixed messages about Barack Obama. Most of past presidents have been known for the great things that they have done our country or known for sending our country into a downward spiral. Barack Obama is going to be known for his speech, according to this editorial, which makes him one of our best presidents ever.

This is a complete joke.

Mr. Henninger is trying to write something positive of the current president, but it is very sad that the only thing that he can even point out about him is that he is making ‘public speech the center of his presidency’. The author is reaching out to those that are still in the president’s honeymoon in which nothing he can do is wrong. I can admit that Obama’s speech is very spectacular. Our country has not had someone with such eloquent speech as him in a long while. While his great speeches remain true, this is not a golden road that will lead him into the great presidents list. We wish for a president that is well spoken, but we should also wish for a president that knows what he is doing. His speech is great, but, as his best trait, it leads Americans away from what he is actually saying. Most people, even during the elections, could not even quote something that was said by Obama least of all the subject that he was talking about.

Barack Obama can continue to amaze the rest of America with his speech, but some day soon our country must wake up to the fact that he is not doing at all what he promised the voters. In a final argument, the author says that the purpose of a rhetorician’s art is to persuade. Obama has managed to persuade the nation that he is best at public speech, but he has yet to persuade that he can do what he promised to do in office nor bringing the country together.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sotomayor the Right Choice, But Not the Best

Today went another day in the questioning of Judge Sonia Sotomayor of the U.S. Supreme Court. Sotomayor has called herself a 'radical' judge with her rulings and past decisions, but the GOP had the correct response to this label. Senator Lindsey Graham said to Sotomayor during the hearing that she has a 'record as a judge has not been radical by any means'. According to the article tat was posted on, the GOP said that they have no intention to fillibuster her nomination as a Justice and that they expect her to be confirmed by the Senate before their break this fall.
By the end of the day's questioning, Sotomayor's beliefs and rulings were established with her answers on such issues as gun control, abortion, and same-sex marriage. While Sotomayor answered every question to the panel of Senators, I am one American that is still not completely sold on her nomination. The ‘radical’ judge, I felt, was not questioned as toughly as she should be. The Barack Obama nomination is a strong willed judge, but she is not the correct person for the position. This nomination seems nothing more than a political stunt by Barack Obama. The nomination is not the right one, but we can only allow time to tell us if she will be a good one.