Monday, July 27, 2009

Why don't we look to Ann Coulter for opinion more often?

Ann Coulter, one of the smartest women in America, can be very blunt to the sensitive people of our country, but you must admit that she makes a lot of sense. She just says things in a way that we do not want to hear them because we are afraid to hear the truth. Her blog posting titled 'Take 2 Aspirin and Call Me When Your Cancer is Stage 4', speaks the truth about the health care bill that the Dems are trying to pass which pushed along by our smartest president ever, Barack Obama.

The passing of the a universal health care plan sounds like socialization to me. Coulter is right is saying that our countrymen do not deserve to have to pay for everyone's healthcare because not everyone will use the same amount. The comparisons that she uses are spot on and make clear sense. She says that the government democrats would be complaining today if 50 years ago the government passed the 'universal food care' package which took care of food costs. If this healthcare bill passes, she is believes that the government dems will still complain in 50 years.

She convinces the reader that healthcare is not a basic right that people are born with in America. We do not have the right to universal healthcare but we have the privilege to purchase it on our own. It is not one of our natural rights that we all deserve. Her government critique is correct in saying that the government helped us with other areas in life such as 'helping' to mandate insurance companies.

Finally, Coulter is correct in saying that our country does all that they can already to make healthcare readily available to people everywhere. Our country offers programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, and veterans hospitals which is great for our citizens. They may need some cleaning up to better work for citizens, but they work nontheless.

Universal Healthcare is a bad idea and Ann Coulter deserves to be recognized more often.
She's pretty good looking, too.

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