Tuesday, July 21, 2009

You're Joking...... Right?

The editorial posted on The Wall Street Journal by Daniel Henninger is an opinion that sends mixed messages about Barack Obama. Most of past presidents have been known for the great things that they have done our country or known for sending our country into a downward spiral. Barack Obama is going to be known for his speech, according to this editorial, which makes him one of our best presidents ever.

This is a complete joke.

Mr. Henninger is trying to write something positive of the current president, but it is very sad that the only thing that he can even point out about him is that he is making ‘public speech the center of his presidency’. The author is reaching out to those that are still in the president’s honeymoon in which nothing he can do is wrong. I can admit that Obama’s speech is very spectacular. Our country has not had someone with such eloquent speech as him in a long while. While his great speeches remain true, this is not a golden road that will lead him into the great presidents list. We wish for a president that is well spoken, but we should also wish for a president that knows what he is doing. His speech is great, but, as his best trait, it leads Americans away from what he is actually saying. Most people, even during the elections, could not even quote something that was said by Obama least of all the subject that he was talking about.

Barack Obama can continue to amaze the rest of America with his speech, but some day soon our country must wake up to the fact that he is not doing at all what he promised the voters. In a final argument, the author says that the purpose of a rhetorician’s art is to persuade. Obama has managed to persuade the nation that he is best at public speech, but he has yet to persuade that he can do what he promised to do in office nor bringing the country together.

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