Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sotomayor the Right Choice, But Not the Best

Today went another day in the questioning of Judge Sonia Sotomayor of the U.S. Supreme Court. Sotomayor has called herself a 'radical' judge with her rulings and past decisions, but the GOP had the correct response to this label. Senator Lindsey Graham said to Sotomayor during the hearing that she has a 'record as a judge has not been radical by any means'. According to the article tat was posted on, the GOP said that they have no intention to fillibuster her nomination as a Justice and that they expect her to be confirmed by the Senate before their break this fall.
By the end of the day's questioning, Sotomayor's beliefs and rulings were established with her answers on such issues as gun control, abortion, and same-sex marriage. While Sotomayor answered every question to the panel of Senators, I am one American that is still not completely sold on her nomination. The ‘radical’ judge, I felt, was not questioned as toughly as she should be. The Barack Obama nomination is a strong willed judge, but she is not the correct person for the position. This nomination seems nothing more than a political stunt by Barack Obama. The nomination is not the right one, but we can only allow time to tell us if she will be a good one.

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